Want to see if St Mark's Preschool Kindergarten Inc. is a good fit for you and your family? Come and see why families keep coming back generation after generation for over 50 years!

Step 1: Reach out. Express your interest in enrolling at St Mark's Preschool Kindergarten Inc. You can download our waiting list enrolment form here: St Mark's Preschool Waiting List Enquiry Form. Note: this does not guarantee a position at the preschool.

Step 2: Book a tour. Come and see our place and get a feel for what preschool life will be like for your child. Bring your child along so that you can see their reaction to the space.

Step 3: Enrol. After the tour, if you are keen to proceed with your child's enrolment, we will send you a letter of offer and ask that you pay a bond that is fully refundable at the end of your child's enrolment with us.

Step 4: Orientation. We will invite you and your child to attend a 1 hour orientation visit. The teaching staff will welcome you and your child to the program and you will get a chance to sit down one on one with one of the experienced educators for an orientation interview. We will invite you and your child to attend at least one more visit before your child's first day.

Step 5: The first day of preschool! We will be there to greet you in our foyer and support you and your child when it is time to say goodbye. We welcome you to call to check in and see how your child is settling in. 

N.B. It's a good idea to add your child to our waiting list early so you don't miss out!